The right time in which you decide to sexually and emotionally transition between your ex and your next can be difficult to distinguish. I mean, let's be real here folks; after you dead the situation with your former lady/man you're more than liable to still be hittin' them off on the regular regardless, right? Especially if the sex was is good mind blowing great. Other than your relationship meeting it's demise due to conflicts of interest you could very well have no issues being intimate with each other so what's the harm in getting satisfied while you remain single?
The question is... when is it acceptable to still be having sex with your ex while actively dating? Of course dating is subjective depending on who you're talking to but for the sake of argument let's assume you haven't engaged in sexual relations with anyone you're casually seeing or talking to.
Here's The Scenario...
- You've been broken up with your ex for a few months and you've been dating other people.
- You have yet to make a commitment but you've established a mutual interest with someone in particular.
- You haven't had sex with this person as of yet but you wouldn't mind exploring or entertaining the possibility of doing so at a later date.
- You feel that if you give up the goods too early your new prospect will classify you as a jumpoff when in reality you would rather establish a relationship and avoid judgement (yes, this logic is flawed but this is real talk).
- You're not adament to add to your bodycount so the only way you'd be willing to take the L is to be involved with this person in more than just a sexual aspect. (Female logic: I'm not a ho because technically we were dating at the time.)
In this situation is it wrong to hold out on giving up the pussy/dick to your new prospect while still fucking your ex?
For the fellas: If a female is not giving up the box and you continue to slide off with other... ahem... lady friends, is it as bad as a female who chooses to do the same thing?