Monday, March 23, 2009

"He's Mine; You May Have Had Him Once, But I Got Him All The Time"

 Have we lowered our standards and expectations for the sake of financial security or our seemingly fleeting independence? Is it normal or inevitable for a man to cheat and for us to accept the notion that 'boys will be boys'? In a relationship there's always someone who is feeling the situation more than the other. Whether it be their hesitation or unwillingness to settle down and make a commitment or... well, they're just not that into you.

 This isn't a new phenomenon, nor is it a revelation because women people have been lowering their standards or compromising core principles and ideals for the sake of not being or feeling alone in this world.

 I'll be the first to say that nothing surprises me anymore.  Anyone is capable of doing virtually anything granted they are motivated by selfish aspirations or motives. It might be a defense mechanism on my behalf but I prefer being cautious over being vulnerable and naive. 
In Conclusion...
 Do we no longer care about faithfulness in a relationship as long as we are treated generally well?


  1. always a good on your blog

  2. 50% of bitches won't care if you cheat on her as long as you providing that $$$.

    is that a valid statement?

  3. ^ I'd say closer to 75. But enh, to each their own. *sigh*

  4. Chicks will overlook A LOT of shit if the nigga got bread or if the nigga's a straight asshole.

    It seems the way to get women is to treat them the inverse of how you was taught to treat them.

  5. Good's sad what people will settle for just to have someone in their lives. And i'm glad you pointed out that it's not just women, but men that make the same ridiculous compromises of their integrity...keep up the good work!!!

  6. I think we as people overlook the people who try their hardest to show that this negative trait of unfaithfulness is not apart of their character. Good read.
